I just saw a Verizon commercial that cracked me up. Although my kids are not old enough to be on Twitter and Facebook yet, I can completely see this coming in a few years. (My mother is on Facebook and Twitter and my grandmother is on Facebook!) The commercial is funny because the parents clearly […]
Tired of Paying Retail? Buy Direct!
Are you looking for the absolute best prices on home furnishings and home improvement supplies and materials? Well look no further. DirectBuy is leading the way showing thousands of consumers unparalleled ways to save on virutally everything for their homes for more than 38 years. Founded in 1971, DirectBuy is headquartered in Merrillville, Indiana and […]
My Coke Rewards Donations to Schools
As the co-president of my school’s PTO, I am always looking for new ways that we can raise money without having parents constantly pulling out their wallets. We call it “Painless Ways.” With our school getting less and less tax money, we are trying to be creative to ensure that our teachers still get what […]
Wizards of Waverly Place Merchandise
My daughters have recently started loving Wizards of Waverly Place on the Disney Channel. In fact, at 6 and 8, it is one of the few shows that they can agree on. I’ve watched it a couple of times and actually find it to be pretty good sometimes. At least enough to hold my attention. […]
Easy Crab Roll-Up Recipe
I received an interesting recipe from The Crab Place in my email over the weekend and thought that I would pass it along. It looks like a great little appetizer! Easy Crab Roll-Up Recipe Ingredients: 1 package refrigerated crescent rolls (8) 1 pound lump crab meat cheese of your choice onion salt Preparation Instructions: Separate […]